Property Taxes

What you need to know about property taxes

Taxes are due: August 30 

Your tax dollars at work
Municipal taxes help fund a wide range of services within the Town of Viking. Viking Town Council approves the annual tax rates based on the revenue required to support and achieve the operating and capital initiatives.

They are the backbone of our local services, programs and amenities.

2024 Residential Property Tax Distribution

16% Education: Collected on behalf of the Government of Alberta

4% Senior Housing: Collected on behalf of Beaver Foundation

80% Municipal:

  • Includes municipal operations and recreation infrastructure
  • Recreation and community programming
  • Road and infrastructure maintenance
  • Emergency services
  • Family and community services

Requisitions for others

Alberta School Foundation:

  • The Government of Alberta annual budget provides each municipality with their proportionate share for education funding. These taxes are collected on behalf of each municipality and remitted to the Province.

Beaver Foundation:

  • The Town of Viking is required to collect taxes for subsidized seniors’ lodges in our community.

Learn about the Annual Special Recreation/Culture Tax Levy and how it supports our community

Payment options: 

Online Banking:

  • Add “Town of Viking - Taxes” as a bill payee
  • Use your Tax Roll Number as the account number
  • Allow three business days for processing

Financial Institutions

All major Financial Institutions can remit property tax payments on your behalf using the bottom portion of your Tax Notice.

  • Allow three business days for processing


  • Make cheque payable to the Town of Viking, include the remittance slip.

In Person

  • Payments can be made in person during regular business hours at the Town of Viking office. We accept debit, cheque, cash. Please note credit card payments are not accepted.

Tax Installment Payment Plan

  • The monthly plan allows you to pay property taxes over 12 month.
  • Payments are automatically and securely withdrawn monthly.
  • To apply for the Property Tax Installment
  • To be eligible for the Tax Installment Payment Plan all previous taxes