Inspection Checklist For Building Managers
Here is a list of items that need to be considered by building owners every year. Fire inspectors from the Beaver Emergency Services Commission can assist you with additional information on any of these items as well as methods to remediate any deficiencies.
1. Fire Alarm System
Has the fire alarm system been tested by a qualified technician within the past 12 months?
Yes____ No ____
Is the alarm panel accessible?
Yes ____ No ____
Power On?
Yes____ No____
Is there any visible damage to the alarm system?
Yes___ No ____
Heat detectors in laundry, boiler and/or storage rooms?
Yes____ No____
Storage of combustible materials in locations or quantities creating an unnecessary fire hazard?
Yes___ No____
2. Portable Fire Extinguishers
Is there a portable dry chemical extinguisher available on each floor?
Yes ____ No ____
(Minimum rating of 2A 10 BC)
Have the extinguishers been inspected within the past 12 months?
Yes ____ No ____
Inspection tags are attached to extinguisher.
Yes____ No____
Tamper seals are in place.
Yes ___ No ____
Extinguishers are mounted on the wall correctly and are easily accessible.
Yes____ No____
All extinguishers are properly charged i.e. pressure in the green.
Yes ____ No____
3. Fire Suppression Systems
Sprinkler systems tested annually.
Yes____ No____
Storage at least 18 inches below sprinkler heads.
Yes____ No____
Fire pumps tested annually.
Yes ____ No ____
Fire Department Connection unobstructed and caps are in place.
Yes____ No____
Cooking equipment suppressions systems serviced semi-annually.
Yes____ No____
4. Emergency Lights / Exit Signs
All emergency light packs operational and maintained to provide emergency light for at least 30 minutes.
Yes____ No____
Lighting is present in all corridors and stairwells.
Yes ____ No ____
Is the emergency power generator tested monthly including the annual full load test?
Yes____ No____
Are records kept of all testing and maintenance?
Yes____ No____
Exit signs are externally or internally illuminated.
Yes ____ No____
5. Fire Separations and Means of Egress
Are there holes in any walls or ceiling that separate the corridor and / or stairwell from the remainder of the building?
Yes____ No ____
Are fire separation doors blocked or wedged in the open position.
Yes ___No
Do the fire separation doors automatically close and latch?
Yes___ No___
Are the stairwell handrails secure?
Yes ____ No ____
Is the rug / floor covering worn or torn creating a trip hazard?
Yes ____ No ____
Access to exits and exit doors kept clear of obstructions.
Yes____ No____
Has snow or ice accumulated to block exit doors or create a slip hazard?
Yes ___No____
6. Miscellaneous
Is there a Fire Department Lock Box?
Yes___ No____
Proper keys in the lock box.
Yes___ No___
Is the building addressed properly?
Yes ____ No ____
Is the private hydrant accessible?
Yes____ No_____
Are there any accumulations of lint around laundry equipment?
Yes____ No____
Is the Fire Lane being blocked?
Yes ____ No_____