Seasonal Filtered Raw Water - Bulk Purchases (Non-Potable)
The Seasonal Filtered Raw Water Pumping Station is located in the Town of Viking, adjacent to the Town Reservoir, accessed from 50 Street (Main Street) and 59 Avenue.
This Pumping Station supplies Raw Untreated (Non-Potable) Water for agricultural use to customers within a 100 km radius of the Town of Viking.
To access the Pumping Station you will need to complete the Application Form at the bottom of this page to open an account.
Truck access to the Pumping Station must stay on the following routes highlighted in red on map (see map):
- Highway 36, via Township Road 480 (61 Avenue) to 50 Street (Main Street)
- Highways 14 or 619, via Range Road 130 to Township Road 480 (61 Avenue) to 50 Street (Main Street).
Please note the following:
- This water is NOT TREATED or fit for human consumption (NON-POTABLE).
- This Pumping Station is under video surveillance.
For more information regarding the Seasonal Filtered Raw Water Project click here.
For more information contact the town of Viking at 780-336-3466 or by email at