Business Licence

Business License - Application & Renewals

The Town of Viking requires all businesses operating in the Town of Viking to purchase and renew a Business License by January
. This license is displayed in the business to let your customers know they are permitted to operate in our community. New businesses must purchase a license within 2 weeks of opening.

Click here to view the Business Directory License Licenses & Profiles brochure.

The types of businesses that would require a Business License are:

  • Any retail business
  • Service business operating and servicing residents of the Town of Viking, e.g. accounting services, banking institutions, law offices, trades.
  • Seasonal businesses, or solicitation style door-to-door businesses e.g. seasonal fruit & vegetable sales

Other businesses may operate within the Town of Viking and are not required to have a Business License. Examples of those are:

  • Home based business that has no public traffic into the home, e.g. Tupperware, Scentsy, a craft maker
  • Students or youth business, e.g. cutting grass or shovelling snow for neighbours, walking dogs, etc.

To apply for a Business Licences scroll to the bottom of this page for the form.

Business Directory listing

There are now two options for you to advertise your business with us, the Business Directory and now a Business Profile - new in 2024.

Business Directory Cost: $50 annually
A basic listing, of your name, business name, contact information with links if you provide them to your email and social media, with a link to a google map of where your business is physically located.

NEW Business Profile Cost: $100 annually
An in depth profile about your business. You provide the information, photos and interesting information about your business. This will include your logo, photo of the interior and exterior of your business, profile information about you and how your business started.

This will include email, web site, social media, and #hashtags you use to advertise your business.

The Town of Viking will be doing monthly posts on the web site and social media platforms, tagging all businesses listed in the Business Profiles, including hashtags (#) you use to advertise your business on currently.

NEW Business Job Postings Cost: $50 annually - add at any time!

Advertise your Job Postings with us! 

A new page in the Business section will advertise your job postings! 

Add this to your Business License at renewal or at anytime throughout the year.

Job postings must be emailed to with the opening and closing date of your job posting. Job postings will be re-moved once they are closed.