Town of Viking is incorporated under the laws of the Municipal Government Act of Alberta. Under the Municipal Government Act, Viking town council may pass bylaws respecting the following matters:
- The safety, health and welfare of people and the protection of people and property.
- People, activities and things in, on or near a public place or place that is open to the public.
- Nuisances, including unsightly property.
- Transport and transportation systems.
- Businesses, business activities and persons engaged in business.
- Services provided by or on behalf of the municipality.
- Public utilities.
- Wild and domestic animals and activities in relation to them.
- The enforcement of bylaws.
- Bylaws are enforced by the local R.C.M.P. as well as Town of Viking Bylaw Enforcement officers.
Frequently Requested Bylaws
For information on by-laws that are not listed, please contact the Town Office 780-336-3466.
- Noise Control Bylaw No. 99-532 and Amendment No. 2003-557
- Land Use Amendment Cannabis Bylaw 2018-669
- Nuisance or Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 2018-665 and Amendment No. 2019-685
- Land Use Bylaw 2012-640
- Utilities Bylaw 2024-697
- Special Recreation and Culture Tax Levy Bylaw No. 2021-706
- Mill Rate Bylaw No. 2023-721
- Master Rates Bylaw No. 2025-714
- Town Council Procedural Bylaw No. 2025-722
- Sidewalk Clearing Bylaw No. 2021-703
- Smoking in Public Places Bylaw No. 2018-670
- Motor Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic Bylaw No. 2018-671
- Business License Bylaw NO. 393
- Water Sewer Plumbing and Solid Waste Collection Bylaw No. 2024-697
- Appointment of the Chief Elected Official Bylaw 2023-724
- Animal Control ByLaw No. 2019-674
- Beaver Emergency Services Commission (BESC) Bylaw no. 2021-710
- Community Standards Bylaw No. 2022-717
- Council Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 2018-662
- Fireworks Bylaw No. 2022-692
- Mill Rate Bylaw No.2024-721
- Viking Cemetery Bylaw No. 2020-691 to Amend Bylaw 92-478
- Tax Payment & Penalty Bylaw No. 2020-695 to Amend Penalty Date for Unpaid 2020 Taxes
- Pre-Authorized Tax Instalment Payment Plan By-law No. 2003-558
- Pre-Authorized Tax Instalment Payment Plan By-law No. 2003-558 Schedule A
- Subdivision and Residential Use of a Institutional Use site ByLaw 2024-640