Snow Removal

Snow Clearing and Roadway Sanding 

What are your responsibilities?

Everyone in the Town of Viking has a role to play in clearing sidewalks. Whether you are an owner, or occupant (tenant), of a property of any type it is your responsibility to clear the public sidewalk of any snow, ice, dirt or other obstructions from sidewalks in Town.

Sidewalks must be cleared within 48 hours of the end of snowfall. In residential areas, snow cleared from the sidewalk must be deposited on the property (e.g. your lawn or yard) and not onto the street or roadway, or open space not on your own property.

Any property that is not cleared, and fails to follow the current Sidewalk Clearing By-Law 2021-703 may be fined $100 for each offence. The maximum penalty and not more than $2,500.

Snow removal services
The Town recognizes there are residents who need assistance with sidewalk clearing. We encourage those residents to contact to the Town of Viking at 780-336-3466 to discuss options available to them.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Sidewalk Clearing Bylaw 2021-703. You can find it on our web site at, in the Bylaws section.

In the map attached to this brochure you will find the Town of Viking snow clearing strategy for the winter season. The Town’s strategy is aimed at keeping the main roads clear and sanded on a consistent basis.

On main roadways the Town plows wherever the snowfall demands or when approximately 5 cm (2.5”) of snow has collected.

On residential roadways (local streets) a “snow pack” condition is maintained until a dept of 10 cm (4”) is reached. Then the snow is either removed or plowed. At times Public Works will move snow on streets not identified as priority but is done to expedite removal at a later date.

What you can do...
Your cooperation plays a big role in making our snow clearing safe and effective. We request you follow a few simple guidelines to help us this season:

Move your parked vehicles from streets when we put out our snow removal signs. With no vehicles on the street the Town can remove the snow closer to the curb.  Note: if your vehicle is not moved, we may have to ticket and tow at your expense. 

Stay at least 5 meters behind snow graders and equipment. Your safety is important to us.