There are lots of easy ways to make it less likely to be targeted
- When in your backyard lock your front door and vice versa.
- When in the home, it is a good idea to keep your doors locked.
- Consider keeping your blinds/curtains closed at night so people can't see in.
- Consider installing an alarm system.
- Have an emergency kit prepared.
- Never leave your children at home alone.
- Be wary of strangers coming to your door.
- Arrange to have your mail picked up and consider stopping newspapers.
- Remember to have the grass cut, the leaves raked or the snow removed as necessary.
- Use timers on a few lamps in rooms where the light will be noticed from outside the house.
- Have a neighbour check both inside and outside the house every few days. Ask them to pick up items delivered while you are away.
- Ask a neighbour to park their car in your driveway / designated parking stall.
- Have someone put out your garbage cans on garbage pick-up day.
- Don't announce your vacation on your voicemail or social media.